Sunday of the Prodigal Son
Sunday of the Prodigal Son
This Sunday is the second Sunday in preparation for Great Lent.
Read about this Sunday here and here.
Coffee Hour this Sunday N through Z
Last coffee hour was quite sparse - let’s remember to bring some for all! Also, please help clean up!
No Vespers or Class Tonight!
Men’s Bonfire and Fellowship, Feb 18 6pm
Men of Saint Anne are gathering at Black Walnut Hall on Friday, Feb 18th at 6pm for fellowship and food. BYO!(And maybe a little extra to share!)
Spring Lenten Catechumen Classes
The Catechumen classes have begun.
If you are currently enrolled in the catechumenate, these classes are required for your admittance into the Orthodox Church. While this is geared for catechumens, all are welcome to attend.
The classes will last for an hour on Sunday after the Divine Liturgy. Catechesis will be taught by Fr. Daniel, Fr. Dn. Raphael, and other catechists in the parish. Recordings will be made available.
Using the Directory
There is a link at the top of the St. Anne webpage that will take you to the directory. There is also an app that you can use on your mobile device. Look for Church Center in the app store.
Webpage Android App iPhone App
The Orthodox Book Club
The book club has been postponed for a week because of the services for Tracy Tilson. We will meet on the 22nd at 6:30 at the Panera in Cedar Bluff.
Subscribe to St. Anne’s podcasts
Have you missed Church and wanted to hear the talk at the end of Vespers on Wednesday evening? Or, heard something in the Sunday morning homily and wanted to listen again? Then subscribe to the St. Anne’s podcast In Heaven and On Earth that captures our homilies and many of our classes.
Search for In Heaven and On Earth in most podcast apps and subscribe!
Calendar Change
We are moving the calendar to a new Google Account. It has already been copied and is live on the website.
If you had added our calendar to your Google Calendar - you will need to add the new one as the old one will become defunct.
See it here
St. Anne's Prayer List
Health & Misc.: Jasmine, David, Jonathan, Maci - Matrona, Scott, Christina, Daniella, Katherine, Zinaida, Dymphna, Norah, Oakland, Julianna & Adrian & family, Olga & Seraphim
Shut-In: Frances, Suzie
Pregnant: Ashton-Julianna, Kayla, Stina
Catechumens: Isaac and Worth, Karen, Arnold, Joshua, Kayla, Joshua, Kelli, Harmoni, Jordan
Departed: Tracy-Genvieve, Delmas, Avery, Carol
560 Oak Ridge Turnpike
Oak Ridge, TN 37830